Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Process of Managing Project

1. Overview and Goals

This section describes some of the ways organization manage projects, sketches out entire project process of a single project from start to finish, describes the purpose and function of each of the project's phases and discussed the first phase, initiation. While discussing the basics of project phase and deliverable stages, the text also introduces the importance of establishing the support systems that enable the project professional to produce a successful outcome efficiently and effectively.
People who work in mature project environment as well as those who work in less mature project environment can benefit from a review of the process of managing project. A review can help them to analyze and refine the existing approach, adjust the emphasis, or implement new processes so that the next project team can deliver results more efficiently and more reliably. Thinking through a generic model description of the project management process can provide value as well. By comparing processes that are used today in the reader's organization with standard processes that reflect what other organization are doing around the world helps to unify and refine our understanding of what makes a project successful.  

2. Basic of Managing Project
Project Manager usually are bought into an active role on larger or more strategic projects after executives, senior managers and/or sponsors created the concepts. Sometimes even the proposed technical approach or collaborative partners have been define during the early discussion. Once the planning fully developed and considered adequate for resource commitment and control, the project's sponsor and senior management will approve it for execution.

Smooth  project execution makes the intensive planning and infrastructure less visible to the naked eye. A lot of intensive planning goes into a successful project. The project can still succeed whether or not everyone uses the same terms for what required. Most project will proceed through a logical , commonsense process regardless of where they are located or who sponsors them or even what they are called. However, one of the benefits to using a standard process and terminology is that they create a common understanding of project management and project phases and product stages.

 This common understanding results in an increased ability of the sponsor, management , and team to communicate effectively about the status of the project and to agree on any actions needed to ensure its ultimate success.

The standard process for managing a project is sequential, and therefore has phases. Project Phases are the project's life cycle:
  • Initiation
  • Planning
  • Execution
  • Close Out
The deliverables of the project consist of product, services or processes and sometimes a plan or study. Each deliverable has a life cycle. A generic set of life cycle stages should be:
  • Concept
  • Definition/Design
  • Develop/Build/ Install
  • Test/Operate
  • Retire/Decommission
The names used to describe the product's development stages differ from product and industry to industry. The portion of the product life cycle that will take place in a particular project will shape the approach, methods, and deliverable that will be produced over the project's life cycle.

 3. Project Selection
To make the best use of the organization's resources, executives often prioritize project based on the their contribution to the organization's strategic initiatives.

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